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Search Results for "WATCH: Rep. Collins’ opening statement before the House Rules Committee | Trump's first impeachment"
WATCH: Rep. Collins’ opening statement before the House Rules Committee | Trump's first impeachment
WATCH: Rep. Collins’ full opening statement in day 1 of Trump impeachment articles markup
WATCH: Rep. Collins' full statement ahead of impeachment vote | Trump's first impeachment
WATCH: Rep. Cole’s opening statement in House Rules impeachment meeting | Trump's first impeachment
WATCH: Rep. Collins’ full opening statement in committee lawyers hearing
WATCH: Rep. Collins’ full statement during articles of impeachment markup
WATCH: Rep. Collins' full closing statement ahead of House impeachment vote | Trump impeachment
Douglas A. Collins full opening statement at first Judiciary impeachment hearing
Collins: Impeachment Vote 'Tramples Everything This House Believes In' | NBC News
WATCH: Rep. Doug Collins calls impeachment hearings a ‘PR move’
Rep. Doug Collings Opening Statement
WATCH: Rep. McGovern’s opening statement in House Rules impeachment meeting